


"Every thing he has said is true and exact"  
Kheru Hensekh    July 9, 2020  

I have been listening to Amun Rayay since 2011 and every thing he has said is true and exact. The other shadow hour i saw him move the moon left then he moved the moon to the right, i also saw make stars move at his command. Amun Rayay is the true Messiah.

"Amun Rayay loves you that’s why he is here..."  
Jared Lee    September 1, 2019  

Raahubaat and Salutations it’s that time again but the question is are you prepared for what is upon you as we speak. The Messiah Amun Rayay appointed to raise the 144000 who are The Chosen amongst the lost. Things are changing at a rapid pace which is considered a dimensional shift,or pole shift you have to upgrade your DNA and, become what you once were GOD!! our Messiah is here to awaken The Children of The Most High the tabernacle of Amun is upon us they know what and who we are there are so many distractions to alter your focus and suppress that God or Christ consciousness as well they try to destroy your ability to see above there low frequency bullshit and lies and corruption that has exist in there 6000 year reign but if u know your self you will know you’ve been on this planet and in this universe for 76 trillion years imagine that 6000 years of bullshit versus 76 trillion years of right sound reasoning and wisdom all of these things our your birthright and soul is striving for the right knowledge to overcome the negative energy amongst the and perpetrated by the evil Satan or devil which is not so much one individual but multiple individuals intent on your downfall but when the devil has a plan The Most High has a greater plan 3600 years is the time frame for this awaken so again I asl ru prepared the 144000 are growing and getting stronger we are star movers and miracles workers things that the normal imagination or humim could overst and but if u get yourself in tune with the universe and Amun Rayay is your Rabb and guide to the multi dimensions and Rizq itself and your galaxy were you originated Illyuwn and that’s so ironically erie that I live in Illinois which sounds strikingly similar to Illyuwn something is happening my suggestion is look to the stars watch the signs in the sky be prepared ready yourself seek the Messiah Amun Rayay he is your entrance to the afterlife and Heaven as u think u know it but open you mind and inner vision mind your mind for the jewels of your soul know thyself instead of quarantine cleanse they self mentally physically and spiritually. Amun Raya loves u that’s why he is here for specifically Nubian people to get back to your original state of existence take heed to this testimony and overstand what is happening stay true stay focus and reach for the stars

"The class as a whole was very informative"  
Dalante Cofield    September 5, 2019   Washington, D.C.   

The class as a whole was very informative teaching about raising from 3D to 5D. How the first (Nubian, Black races where seeded on Earth. We also had a very powerful Healing Session a couple weeks ago that was very healing and soothing and trans formative. Pay attention the all the storms and things being exposed. It will only get more intense and revelations in the times to come.

Testimony from Hawaii Amun is the “real” Messiah!  
Tah Willy    May 3, 2019   Maui, Hi   

Rahubaat family. I must share with everyone what happened on May 3rd, 2019 while I was working in Hawaii. I called brother Amun at 8:30pm local Hawaiian time which was 2:30am his time. He had just turned off the lights to get ready to rest but he was still able to move stars for me. I could only see two stars and they both moved in the manner Amun commanded such as circles, up down, and rocking side to side. The point is to show that the distance between Amun and the observer of the moving star is irrelevant once you realize the distance between the observer and the star is many times greater. He also mentioned that using the tone of AMUN puts more energy into the stars and accentuates the movement. If you don't know by now we are walking with the messiah sent to remind us who and what we are. Thanks and praise to the creator for sending him and bringing us ALL together as one family.

"This is the new reality..."  
Aaron Nichols    July 26, 2019  

Greetings to you, The first time readers and those who have been with us for this journey into the new heavens and the new earth. I am delighted to bring you another testimony to the powers and miracles and blessings of Paaút (The Most High). Every Sunday and Thursday 930 pm central time, Amun Rayay and his disciples of the 144,00 perform miracles in the sky to showcase the capabilities of who and what we are. Amun like to call us “STAR movers.” LET THAT SINK IN!! I’m talking about people who have everyday jobs who live and operate in this society MOVING STARS!! Events are taking place on this planet that is shaping a new world. A world of divine love. A world of higher consciousness. A world of peace and tranquility to the beings who are able to realize and accept the future of this planet. There is more to us than just STAR MOVING but this showcase allows new people to immediately see who we are with out a single doubt if they can be honest. What’s also amazing is like we are preforming them for ourselves. As a child, have you ever just stared at the stars and wondered what else is out there. Have you ever felt like our current way of living just seemed off. It’s like you can’t really put your finger on it but know it’s there. Or maybe you just don’t fit all the way in socially with most of your peers. I urge you to seek out Amun to get an understanding of what that is. It’s highly likely that you are a person who will get great satisfaction out of watching stars move any way imaginable, Reading minds, having out of body experiences, having more control of the mind in the dream state, and raising your vibrations. This is the new reality and the new way of being for most of us here. We are growing and we will continue to keep growing

"I Am In The Love of ALL"  
Hotepsekhemwy Fapet Atum-Re    September 21, 2020   Georgia, USA   

Greetings ALL, This is Hotepsekhemwy Fapet Atum-Re, which means "pleasing in powers in support of Atum-Re". Well Atum-Re is no longer the man of this half-hour, AMUN-Rayay is The Man of the Second Half-Hour or 30 years, and I am here, walking with Amun Rayay, studying and learning from him NOW. There are approximately 7.8 Billion people on this Blue-Rock called Earth, and that means for every 54, 166, 666 (54 Million, One Hundred Sixty-Six Thousand, Six Hundred Sixty-six People) Amun Rayay will reach ONE OF US. THAT means WE have no time to BS around. We are here, where we are supposed to be, in support of The Real Messiah, Neter A'aferti Amun Rayay Asha, to complete this assignment and mission from The Creator. I have also been assigned a very special task, that will be successfully completed, in support of this MOST Important Work. So, hopefully when I earn my new "appellation (name/title)", it will read Hotepsekhemwy Fapet AMUN-RE, which will mean in its entirety "Pleasing In Powers In Support of AMUN RAYAY." I said ALL of that to say this....I have received many blessings, many wonderful Spiritual & Physical Blessings that I have experienced, as a student of Amun Rayay. Not only do I feel his Love for us when he proves HU HE IS by way of his actions when he moves the Moon, Stars and ALL of Creation, but also when he answers our questions, with that same amount of Love. You feel his genuine Love and Care for us as he explains the Truth to Us. Sometimes the Truth hurts, but it must be told. In this class, brothers and sisters moved and witnessed the Stars moving, but the most important part of the class to me, on this Shadow Hour was when Amun Rayay had to correctly explain the reason "we are NOT Gods/Goddesses YET. We have the Potential, but, as of yet, we are not." Amun Rayay took care to explain to us the differences between actually being a God/Goddess, and just saying it with words without actions. This was very important because "most black people" THINK that just because they /we are black, then they are "automatically a God/Goddess." This also provided me with Empirical Clarity on this subject and matter. Thank you Amun Rayay for this and for coming back for us this THIRD and FINAL TIME. Thank you Pauut, for I Am Exactly Where I Am Supposed To Be At The Exact Moment I Am Supposed To Be There. Thank you to ALL of My Ancestors. Thank You To El Haayuh. This is a much needed and beautiful website. Thank you Amun Rayay. I Am In The Love of ALL, and ALL Love Is In Me!!! Hotepsekhemwy Fapet Atum-Re (Amun-Re)

"It will only get more intense..."  
Dalante Cofield    May 31, 2020   Washington, D.C.   

The class as a whole was very informative teaching about raising from 3D to 5D. How the first (Nubian, Black races where seeded on Earth. We also had a very powerful Healing Session a couple weeks ago that was very healing and soothing and trans formative. Pay attention the all the storms and things being exposed. It will only get more intense and revelations in the times to come.

"...Made me open my eyes wider and realize the path I want to take"  
Ryan Pittman    March 4, 2020   Lancaster, PA   

Hello Brother Amun, I’m Ryan Pittman Zakkiyya’s granddaughter. On Monday March 2nd I witnessed you Messiah AMUN RAYAY, move a star in multiple directions on your command. REALLY GREAT TO SEE IT MOVE THROUGH THE WINTER TREE BRANCHES ONE AFTER THE OTHER, I’ve witnessed you do this same action a few times before when I was younger and wish to witness more in my future. We talked about a few things on the phone the same night I witness you move the star, and all of the answers you had to my questions made me open my eyes wider and realize the path I want to take. I wish to be under you protection and will start joining your classes more often to learn more. Thank you.

"I AM , WE ARE….developing into gods"  
Brother Moshe Kem Stillo    July 9, 2020   New York City   

Mosheh (aka Kevin McDowell) art teacher, lived on Tama-Ra FROM 1993 UNTIL 2000 then called Kim, RECENTLY MOVED INTO MYSTERY SCHOOL FROM N.Y., July 9th 2020 …This has been a powerful night for me on all levels of growth. I have moved a star in clear night sky. I stated…in the name of AMUN RAYAY the MESSIAH….move clockwise. The star moved. Move to the left…it moved left. It continued to move in designated coordinates as I instructed. In the presence of AMUN RAYAY THE REAL MESSIAH I have grown so much and yet there is more to learn in such little time. Reality at present is unfolding. I have been blessed to have had my chakras ignited. My higher inner self from green to blue to violet. My best description would be a feeling in my chest, a sensation of warmth like an untying knot. In this exercise I’ve aslo experience the science of some heavenly bodies. I can now truely say….I know what a real vortex looks like. I AM , WE ARE….developing into gods. As the scriptures indicate..isn’t written in your law that yee are Gods and children of the most high. These are the last days as mentioned in the book of revelations KJV . WE ARE THE 144,000….BE COUNTED.

"It was an exhilarating experience"  
Viveca Lawrence    June 9, 2019   Dallas, TX   

Last evening at 10 pm EST, Bro Amun had a session which I was so very fortunate to have attended. As you may already know, his voice has the three tones. So, when he speaks, it’s with such authority and absoluteness! To start the session, He instructed each of us to lay on our back and get as comfortable as possible, whether on the bed or couch, and to ensure there was ample lighting in the room. Next we were instructed to do our breathing, taking 9 deep breaths, each time inhaling in the green light, cosmic energy, as deep as possible, and when exhaling, bringing our head forward to our chest pushing out all negative energy. When I finished I was in a state of euphoria, and totally relaxed. I imagined the green light being in my body and I in the green light, as one. The feeling was indescribable. As I lay there, Amun instructed us (I think there were 10 or more on the call) to raise one of our hands to witness the presence of our true selves, as we are spiritual beings, enigmas, having a physical experience. He did several chants and commanded the blue light body to come forth in peace. And it did exactly that! As I looked at my hand, I began to see flashes of light and a fog around the perimeter of my hand, like my hand was not in focus. Then my fingers disappeared completely, then came back in view. I then switched hands and received similar results. It was an exhilarating experience. I was in my bedroom when the healing session started, but at some point during the healing session I felt I was somewhere else, The session ran almost two hours. When it was over, Bro Amun allowed each of us to share what we had experienced. I noticed there was a common thread of total relaxation, the fog, and presence of light outlining their hand or their hand totally disappearing. When I woke up this morning, I had such clarity and really got a lot accomplished today. You should have been there last night! Like the Mandela Effect, we are transforming to who and what we truly are. We’ve been under the spell of Kingu for so long we’ve forgotten Enosites! I know I may be using some terminology you’re unfamiliar with, just re-member, connect the dots! There’s still time! Come join us!!

"I could not believe my eyes"  
Amanda Bryant    July 26, 2019  

My name is Kareema and I have had the opportunity to meet Amun Rayah. I was invited to attend one of his conference calls. During the call,he asked the listening audience to step outside and to look up to the sky. He asked someone on the phone ''which star do you want to move?'' I did not expect to see what I saw. I was amazed to see a star shifting to the left and right and moving in a circular motion. I could not believe my eyes. My friend Amanda called me the following morning and asked me ''what did I think about the call and did I see a star move?'' I responded ''yes.'' She was so excited for me and told me to try my best to be on every call. She shared with me her experiences and what she had learned and the growth she has gotten from it.I will continue to listen to Amun Rayah and I must say that I" have finally found my way home. AMANDA BRYANT

"Amun Rayay is who he says he is..."  
Hotepsekhemwy Fapet Atum-Re    July 12, 2020  

This is Hotepsekhemwy Fapet Atum-Re, and this is my testimony from class on 07/12/2020. I experienced the Divine Love of Ahmad Amun Amun as he patiently explained a very complex matter to a young brother that had no knowledge or facts about the question that he was asking. Throughout my entire experience of having met Ahmad Amun Amun Rayay, I have felt only Divine Love and concern for my well-being. Not only does Amun Rayay take the time to ensure that you understand and Overstand his purpose for being here, on this planet, at this time……but he also PROVES THIS by documentation and verification/confirmations throughout The Holy Tablets. Amun Rayay takes great care to answer any and all questions, from anybody. Amun Rayay is here to raise the 144,000 Souls…and I will do my Best to help with this, AND it shall be done. Also, on this night Amun Rayay asked everyone in the class to step outside, at approximately 10:30pm, to ask what could be seen. Those persons in this class that saw a star in the sky….made that same star move, whatever direction they so desired by saying “in the name of Amun Rayay move this way or that way” and it was done as such. Amun Rayay also MOVED THE ENTIRE CREATION, and exactly at the moment when Amun Rayay said “In the name of Amun Rayay I want the ENTIRE CREATION to move I IMMEDIATELY SAW A WHITE OBJECT, ENCIRCLED IN RED, AND WITH A LONG WHITE TAIL….PASS DIRECTLY OVER MY HEAD.” Amun Rayay informed me that that was him having passed directly over my head. I can confirm that Amun Rayay is who he says he is……I can feel it. I can feel the Divine Love in his voice when he speaks to me and with me. This mission will be successfully fulfilled. I am very thankful to The Creator for sending Ahmad Amun Amun for us, and I am thankful that Ahkmad Amun Amun Rayay agreed to come back for us, for this third and FINAL TIME. I have always felt different from others. I have always had a sense of coming from somewhere else. I am happy for this day and time, because I am EXCITED to be able to TALK TO and WITNESS The Arrival of The Real Black Messiah, coming back for US….

"Its truly time to Remember and come back home to Self and All"  
Aliyyaa Spring     May 17, 2020   England   

We were all asked to go outside and look up at the sky. It was an overcast night and difficult to make out the stars. We looked to see if we could identify any specific constellation. Gabab found the big dipper. Elder Amun asked us to look at one specific star and asked us to tell him when we saw it move left. We saw little movement, so he then asked us to tell him when it moved right, again as it was overcast we couldn't see. Amun then said he would move the star left again. We all watched in awe as one-star was moved left and then back. We found another star that was most bright in the sky and Elder Amun said he would take the star up. This was the most profound movement to me, as I saw the star become dim as he took it up, and when he said he would bring it back down, it became more bright. This was repeated with the same effect. To witness this was truly amazing and testimony to Elder Amun. Its truly time to Remember and come back home to Self and All. Sakhamtat Matat Ptah Amun.

"Amun really does preform wonders..."  
Ramus One     May 12, 2020   Canada   

Hey I'm Garag. Me and my son ja'zih witness Amun move a star to the right of us  and make the ship light up and move up and down in a circle motion and also an aura appeared around the ship too at the time. Amun really does preform wonders and I'm grateful to witness his miracle in these times.

Har    July 29, 2019   Chicago, IL   

This is Har from the Chicago area. This Sunday night, July 29, 2019 was ever fulfilling. Amun’s blue light healing session, consulted at the end of question and answer class left me healed. All day I wasn’t able to breath the way I wanted to. Even as I did my daily workout it seemed as if my nose was clogged up and enough air wasn’t getting to my body. As I drove home with my daughter from the grocery store I felt my energy low. Ironically class was a few minutes into its beginning. Once 9:30 pm Central time came around, Amun moved celestial bodies at the request of each person on the call who dared to want to bare witness to this miracle. Once we got towards the of question and answer class, the BLUE LIGHT HEALING SESSION began. I did what Amun Rayay instructed and my nose. I haven’t been able to breath this smoothly and easily since I was in high school. Thank you Amun Rayay.

"...I Have Seen The Powers of Amun-Re"  
Hjean Williams    October 25, 2020   Flint, MI   

I confirm and attest that I have seen the powers of Amun-Re and the God in us powers to move the stars and moon of our world...on different Thursday and Sunday nights. I have experienced with Amun-Re the movement of the stars and the moon on different Thursday and Sunday nights... in complete amazement of the reality I have seen powers with my own eyes. Wadu.

"I’m getting more and more spiritual from each class"  
Della Henderson    July 26, 2019   Chattanooga, TN   

Hey family I hope all is well within and around you all . This evening in class we shared spiritual experiences, asked questions and then went outside as we do at 10:30 pm. AMUN RAYAY THE MESSIAH moved the HEAVENS for us and HE asked a few disciples what did we want HIM to do. HE moved THE HEAVENS seen and unseen for us and HE didn’t tell us which way HE was going to move them…Once HE started moving everything HE asked us which way did we see them moving and those that could see in different states and even countries saw that HE was moving everything in clockwise motion and rocking THE HEAVENS back and forth right to left like a giant hammock moving. I love being part of PAA PA’UT Our CREATOR and AMUN RAYAY THE MESSIAH. Soo glad I sought THEM out and made my way back home. We came back in and had another blue light session. I still feel it, my body is still warm and tingling all over, my hands were blue green and I could see the inside of my hands, the skeletal part. They were also fading in and out. I’m getting more and more spiritual and more and more growth from each class. I thank PAA PA’UT, AMUN RAYAY,AL HAYU, and for the DIVINE LOVE, WELLNESS, ONENESS and all the GREATNESS that comes from THEM ALL...I AM a disciple and one of the 144,000. Play times OVER! Now’s the Time to get things right with THE CREATOR!!! You don’t get it right this time there is NO NEXT Time!!! Come join us in class Sunday and Thursday evenings at 9:00 pm est. Hope to hear from you. If you have questions about the end of days and what’s going on now THE MESSIAH AMUN RAYAY has the answers! ONLY THE SERIOUS ones that are and want to work on perfecting their being and becoming one of the 144,000 should step up and respond and come to class…And those who wish to get to know their highest selves should come to class as well. Wadu yasar

"...Help us wake up the other Brothers and Sisters"  
Gary Tatum    February 21, 2020   Memphis, TN   

My name is Brother Akir. I am one of the real Messiah AMUN's disciples. I thought that I had witnessed just about everthing. Then on class night Sunday, I witnessed Brother AMUN talking on the phone to the class. Sister Khamtat who was in London, England. Brother AMUN the real Messiah was moving the moon, and stars which ever way they wanted to move them.Then the Disciples move them any way they chose to move them. Then sister Khamtat and the other Disciples saw a shooting star. Then Brother AMUN explained that the shooting star was really him. Bless us with a donation to help us wake up the other Brothers and Sisters. The hundred and forty four thousand. Class nights are Sunday and Thursday.

"Interesting but powerful in so many ways spiritually"  
Chaunde'    December 24, 2019  

I watched my mom 12/24/19 as Brother Amun Re moved the stars up then down and circular clockwise. Next we began to the Orion Belt move in simulation and authority of Brother Amun Re’ s commands. It was kinda crazy that I was watching I collection of stars dance in the sky under one’s command, interesting but powerful in so many ways spiritually. Thank you Brother Amun Re.