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Proof From Our Cosmic Family

"Amun Rayay is who he says he is..."  

This is Hotepsekhemwy Fapet Atum-Re, and this is my testimony from class on 07/12/2020. I experienced the Divine Love of Ahmad Amun Amun as he patiently explained a very complex matter to a young brother that had no knowledge or facts about the question that he was asking. Throughout my entire experience of having met Ahmad Amun Amun Rayay, I have felt only Divine Love and concern for my well-being. Not only does Amun Rayay take the time to ensure that you understand and Overstand his purpose for being here, on this planet, at this time……but he also PROVES THIS by documentation and verification/confirmations throughout The Holy Tablets. Amun Rayay takes great care to answer any and all questions, from anybody. Amun Rayay is here to raise the 144,000 Souls…and I will do my Best to help with this, AND it shall be done. Also, on this night Amun Rayay asked everyone in the class to step outside, at approximately 10:30pm, to ask what could be seen. Those persons in this class that saw a star in the sky….made that same star move, whatever direction they so desired by saying “in the name of Amun Rayay move this way or that way” and it was done as such. Amun Rayay also MOVED THE ENTIRE CREATION, and exactly at the moment when Amun Rayay said “In the name of Amun Rayay I want the ENTIRE CREATION to move I IMMEDIATELY SAW A WHITE OBJECT, ENCIRCLED IN RED, AND WITH A LONG WHITE TAIL….PASS DIRECTLY OVER MY HEAD.” Amun Rayay informed me that that was him having passed directly over my head. I can confirm that Amun Rayay is who he says he is……I can feel it. I can feel the Divine Love in his voice when he speaks to me and with me. This mission will be successfully fulfilled. I am very thankful to The Creator for sending Ahmad Amun Amun for us, and I am thankful that Ahkmad Amun Amun Rayay agreed to come back for us, for this third and FINAL TIME. I have always felt different from others. I have always had a sense of coming from somewhere else. I am happy for this day and time, because I am EXCITED to be able to TALK TO and WITNESS The Arrival of The Real Black Messiah, coming back for US….

Hotepsekhemwy Fapet Atum-Re    July 12, 2020  
"I Am In The Love of ALL"  

Greetings ALL, This is Hotepsekhemwy Fapet Atum-Re, which means "pleasing in powers in support of Atum-Re". Well Atum-Re is no longer the man of this half-hour, AMUN-Rayay is The Man of the Second Half-Hour or 30 years, and I am here, walking with Amun Rayay, studying and learning from him NOW. There are approximately 7.8 Billion people on this Blue-Rock called Earth, and that means for every 54, 166, 666 (54 Million, One Hundred Sixty-Six Thousand, Six Hundred Sixty-six People) Amun Rayay will reach ONE OF US. THAT means WE have no time to BS around. We are here, where we are supposed to be, in support of The Real Messiah, Neter A'aferti Amun Rayay Asha, to complete this assignment and mission from The Creator. I have also been assigned a very special task, that will be successfully completed, in support of this MOST Important Work. So, hopefully when I earn my new "appellation (name/title)", it will read Hotepsekhemwy Fapet AMUN-RE, which will mean in its entirety "Pleasing In Powers In Support of AMUN RAYAY." I said ALL of that to say this....I have received many blessings, many wonderful Spiritual & Physical Blessings that I have experienced, as a student of Amun Rayay. Not only do I feel his Love for us when he proves HU HE IS by way of his actions when he moves the Moon, Stars and ALL of Creation, but also when he answers our questions, with that same amount of Love. You feel his genuine Love and Care for us as he explains the Truth to Us. Sometimes the Truth hurts, but it must be told. In this class, brothers and sisters moved and witnessed the Stars moving, but the most important part of the class to me, on this Shadow Hour was when Amun Rayay had to correctly explain the reason "we are NOT Gods/Goddesses YET. We have the Potential, but, as of yet, we are not." Amun Rayay took care to explain to us the differences between actually being a God/Goddess, and just saying it with words without actions. This was very important because "most black people" THINK that just because they /we are black, then they are "automatically a God/Goddess." This also provided me with Empirical Clarity on this subject and matter. Thank you Amun Rayay for this and for coming back for us this THIRD and FINAL TIME. Thank you Pauut, for I Am Exactly Where I Am Supposed To Be At The Exact Moment I Am Supposed To Be There. Thank you to ALL of My Ancestors. Thank You To El Haayuh. This is a much needed and beautiful website. Thank you Amun Rayay. I Am In The Love of ALL, and ALL Love Is In Me!!! Hotepsekhemwy Fapet Atum-Re (Amun-Re)

Hotepsekhemwy Fapet Atum-Re    September 21, 2020   Georgia, USA